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How to rename a Stark/Power Sonic/Jarocells battery with BT to work with MarkSetBot?

  1. Download the TBEnergy app
    1. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tbenergy/id985141488?mt=8
    2. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.topband.smartpower
  2. Open app and accept and permissions prompts
  3. Wait for the app to search for batteries
  4. Tap the battery
  5. Tap the 3 dots in the upper right
  6. Type 5678
  7. Type the new name for the battery as "ZHM" + the original name (i.e. ZHM12V100-018 if SP-12V100-018 was the original name).  ZHM must be uppercase
  8. Reach out to our support team at +1 855 855-627-5738 to confirm a battery has been provisioned and to get the pin code.