What language should I consider adding to the Sailing Instructions?

We have spoken at length with Race Officers about incorporating MarkSetBot into Sailing Instructions.  It is good to mention that using Bots get more races in less time due to rapid course adjustments.

Race Officers are inclined to include Bot emojis in their Sailing Instructions to better illustrate what the marks will look like.  You can download our emojis here for use in your Sailing Instructions.

When asked what language should be added there are two commons responses:

1) Competitors should be informed that the marks are autonomous, warned that the marks will go back to original position after being dragged, and made aware that hitting the mark is a penalty.  It is up to the competitor to figure out they should give a little extra room.

2) Change the rules via the SIs because dragging the mark doesn't permanently alter the race course when using autonomous marks.

If you are leaning towards option 1, below is some sample language to include in the SIs in the redress section:

Routine movement of autonomous marks will not be grounds for redress. This includes minor readjustments, marks returning to station after having been pushed away by a competitor, and collisions with marks that are not actively marks of the course presuming these collisions do not cause damage. This changes RRS and NOR.

If you are leaning towards option 2, it is easy via the SIs to turn off or change rule 31.  You could write in language that hitting marks is acceptable or that direct bow to Bot hits are illegal, but that rubbing a mark is acceptable.

If you are interested in changing marks to be square to the wind, you may want to add language like the following: The angle from Mark 1a (offset) to Mark 2P/2S (gates) may be changed up to 15 degrees in either direction to compensate for wind/current differences without signals or change marks, provided the change is made before any boats begin that leg. This is added to RRS 33.

Another option is language that allows changing any of the marks without the requirement to signal a change such as: The RC may make minor adjustments (up to 15 degrees and .1NM in length) to the course during a race without signaling a course change. This changes RRS 33.