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What should I do if I live near two countries and have trouble maintaining a cellular connection?

NOTE:  Make sure your Bot Phone and your personal phone have free data roaming or these steps will end up being very costly.

To lock a Bot Phone to a specific carrier, reach out to the MarkSetBot Support team at +1 855-627-5738.  We are able to force your devices on to any network that is supported with your plan.


To lock your own device on a specific carrier, you will need a plan that supports Manual Network Selection or Manual Carrier Selection.

For Android Devices
Once it is enabled, you will be able to go to Settings>Network>Mobile network>Advanced and have a section that lets you turn off automatic selection and pick a network.  On older phones this feature takes a fair bit of time to search (as much as 5 minutes).  If the search fails, you may need to reset your network connections in the phone.

For iPhone Devices
Once it is enabled, you will be able to go to Settings>Mobile Data>Network Selection>Enable Manual Network Selection and pick a network.  On older phones this feature takes a fair bit of time to search (as much as 5 minutes).

** If you are in the US and using AT&T, here is the process we've found.  Call support, ask for international support, and then ask for ATS (Advanced Technical Support) team.  The change takes them a few minutes.